Ochanomizu University

Message from the Dean

Dear current and future students of the Faculty of Science in Ochanomizu University,

Prof. Yoshida "Science" is a type of knowledge pursuing marvels and mysteries in the structure and the phenomena around the natural world and solving them in detail. It's an intellectual joint work linking many generations of human history through the processes of deep understanding of theories and information related to nature which have been accumulated by human wisdom, adding new contributions on them, and handing over to the next generation. To succeed to this work, researchers are required to develop their study with a comprehensive knowledge of science. The Faculty of Science in Ochanomizu University consists of five departments: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology were established at the beginning, and Information Sciences was added later in 1990. Each department provides an education to raise the ability to study science in the special field. In addtion to it, the faculty also provides an educational system to allow research beyond the field of each department including interdisciplinary studies. The ability to study science will be deepened and highly sophisticated by advancing to graduate school.

Ochanomizu University is celebrating the 140th anniversary of its founding in 2015. Through its history, Ochanomizu University has produced many researchers, engineers and educators who became pioneers as female scientists in Japan. Especially, Kono Yasui (Japan's first woman who recieved a doctorate of science), Toshiko Yuasa (Japan's first female physicist who succeeded overseas) and Chika Kuroda (the first female student at an imperial university in Japan) are well-known as female scientists who leaded the advanced science at that time. They played significant leading roles in the history of Japan's female scientists, and are the pride of our Faculty of Science.

Today, as women's active participation is more demanded by society, female scientists and engineers leading creativity and innovation are strongly required. The Faculty of Science in Ochanomizu University will be able to perform a significant role as the entrance to women's future activity, and in order to meet their expectations, we continue to work hard everyday.

Come and join us, Science Girls! Fly to the future, Science Women!

Prof. Dr. Hiroaki Yoshida
Dean of the Faculty of Science