ヤッコカンザシ(環形動物) クサイロアオガイ(軟体動物)
平成22年度の研究室の構成 博士前期過程(M1) 2人 2人によるブログ「館山の海より」はこちら!
Yamamoto M, Kiyomoto M, Katayama H, Mita M (2017)
Radioimmunoassay of relaxin-like gonad-stimulating peptide in the starfish Patria (=Asterina) pectinifera.
General and Comparative Endocrinology 243:84-88
Katow H, Katow T, Yoshida H, Kiyomoto M, Uemura I (2016)
Immunohistochemical and ultrastructural properties of the larval ciliary band-associated strand in the sea urchin Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus.
Frontiers in Zoology 13:27
Chow S, Konishi K, Mekuchi M, Tamaki Y, Nohara K, Takagi M, Niwa K, Teramoto W, Manabe H, Kurogi H, Suzuki S, Ando D, Jinbo T, Kiyomoto M, Hirose M, Shimomura M, Kurashima A, Ishikawa T, Kiyomoto S (2016)
DAN barcoding and morphological analyses revealed validity of Diadema clark Ikeda, 1939 (Echinodermata, Echinoidea, Diadematidae).
ZooKeys 585:1-16
Amemiya S, Omori A, Thurugaya T, Hibino T, Yamaguchi M, Kuratani R, Kiyomoto M, Minokawa T (2016)
Early stalked stages in ontogeny of the living isocrinid sea lily Metacrinus rotundus.
Acta Zool 97:102-116
Koga H, Fujitani H, Morino Y, Miyamoto N, Tsuchimoto J, Shibata TF, Nozawa M, Shigenobu S, Ogura A, Tachibana K, Kiyomoto M, Amemiya S, Wada H (2016)
Experimental approach reveals the rolo of Alx1 in the evolution of the echinoderm larval skeleton.
PLoS One 11:e0149067
Hojo M, Omi A, Hamanaka G, Shindo K, Shimada A, Kondo M, Narita T, Kiyomoto M, Katsuyama Y, Ohnishi Y, Irie N, Takeda H (2015)
Unexpected link between polyketide synthase and calcium carbonate biomineralization.
Zool Lett 1:3
Suzuki N, Ogiso S, Yachiguchi K, Kawabe K, Makino F, Toriba A, Kiyomoto M, Sekiguchi T, Tabuchi Y, Kondo T, Kitamura K, Hong CS, Srivastav AK, Oshima Y, Hattori A, Hayakawa K (2015)
Monohydroxylated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons influence spicule formation in the early development of sea urchins (Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus).
Comp Biochem Physiol Part C 171:55-60
Hirose M, Hirose E, Kiyomoto M (2015)
Identification of five species of Dendrodoris (Mollusca: Nudibranchia( from Japan, using DNA barcode and larval characters.
Mar Biodiv 45:769-780
Amemiya S, Hibino T, Nakano H, Yamaguchi M, Kuraishi R, Kiyomoto M (2015)
Development of ciliary bands in larvae of the living isocrinid sea lily Metacrinus rotundus.
Acta Zool 96:36-43
Katow H, Katow T, Abe K, Ooka S, Kiyomoto M, Hamanaka G (2014)
Mesomere-derived glutamate decarboxylase-expressing blastocoelar mesenchyme cells of sea urchin larvae.
Biol Open 15:94-102
Kiyomoto M, Hamanaka G, Hirose M, Yamaguchi M (2014)
Preserved echinoderm gametes as a useful and ready-to-use bioassay material.
Marine Environmental Research 93:102-105
Morino Y, Koga H, Tachibana K, Shoguchi E, Kiyomoto M, Wada H (2012)
Heterochronic activation of VEGF signaling and the evolution of the skeleton in echinoderm pluteus larvae.
Evol Dev 14:428-436
Shiomi K, Yamazaki A, Kagawa M, Kiyomoto M, Yamaguchi M (2012)
Par6 regulates skeletogenesis and gut differentiation in sea urchin larvae.
Dev Genes Evol 222:269-278
Koga H, Matsubara M, Fujitani H, Miyamoto N, Komatsu M, Kiyomoto M, Akasaka K, Wada H (2010)
Functional evolution of Ets in echinoderms with focus on the evolution of echinoderm larval skeletons.
Dev Genes Evol 220:107-115
Matsushima K, Kiyomoto M, Hatta M (2010)
Aboral localization of responsiveness to a metamorphic neuropeptide in the planula larva of Acropora tenuis.
Galaxea, JCRS 12:77-81
Kiyomoto M, Morinaga S, Ooi N (2010)
Distinct embryotoxic effects of lithium appeared in a new assessment model of the sea urchin: the whole embryo assay and the blastomere culture assay.
Ecotoxicology 19: 563-570.
清本正人(共著) ウニ学 本川達雄編 東海大学出版会 (2009)
Kiyomoto M, Kikuchi A, Morinaga S, Unuma T, Yokota Y (2008)
Exogastrulation and interference with the expression of major yolk protein by estrogens administered to sea urchins.
Cell Biol Toxicol. 24: 611-20.
Kiyomoto M, Zito F, Costa C, Poma V, Sciarrino S, and Matranga V (2007)
Skeletogenesis by transfated secondary mesenchyme cells is dependent on extracellular matrixミectoderm interactions in Paracentrotus lividus sea urchin embryos.
Dev Growth Differ. 49: 731-741.
Izumi-Kurotani A, Kiyomoto M, Imai M, and Eguchi H (2006)
Effects of gravity on spicule formation in cultured micromeres of sea urchin embryo.
Advances in Space Research 38: 1112-1116.
Yajima M and Kiyomoto M (2006)
Study of larval and adult skeletogenic cells in the developing sea urchin larvae.
Biological Bulletin, 211:183-192.
Kiyomoto M, Kikuchi A, Unuma T and Yokota Y. (2006)
Effects of ethynylestradiol and bisphenol A on the development of sea urchin embryos and juveniles.
Marine Biology 149: 57-63.
Sweet H, Amemiya S, Ransick A, Minokawa T, McClay DR, Wikramanayake A, Kuraishi R, Kiyomoto M, Nishida H, Henry J (2004)
Blastomere isolation and transplantation.
Methods Cell Biol. 74:243-71.
Kiyomoto M, Zito F, Sciarrino S, and Matranga V (2004)
Commitment and response to inductive signals of primary mesenchyme cells of the sea urchin embryo.
Dev. Growth. Differ. 46:107-113.
Hamada M, Kiyomoto M (2003)
Signals from primary mesenchyme cells regulate endoderm differentiation in the sea urchin embryo.
Dev Growth Differ. 45:339-50.
Kiyomoto M, Komaru A, Scarpa J, Wada KT, Danton E and Awaji M (1996)
Abnormal gametogenesisi, male dominant sex ratio, and Sertori cell morphology in induced triploid musseles, Mytilus galloprovincialis.
Zool. Sci. 13:393-402.
Kiyomoto M and Shirai H (1993)
Reconstitution of starfish eggs by electric cell fusion: a new method of detecting the cytoplasmic determination for archenteron formation.
Develop. Growth Differ. 35:107-114.
Kiyomoto M and Shirai H (1993)
The determinant for archenteron formation in starfish:co-culture of an animal egg fragment-derived cell cluster and a selected blastomere.
Develop. Growth Differ.35:99-105.
Inoue C, Kiyomoto M and Shirai H (1992)
Germ cell differentiation in starfish: the posterior enterocoel as the origin of germ cells in Asterina pectinifera.
Develop. Growth Differ. 34:413-418.
Kiyomoto M and Tsukahara J (1991)
Spicule formation-inducing substance in sea urchin embryo.
Develop. Growth Differ. 33:443-450.